Which sports are trending in 2021?

The last two years have been very different from the previous ones, mainly because of the impact of the coronavirus epidemic throughout the world. Different areas have been affected, such as the economy, education, legislation and sport. It is precisely the latter that interests us as several new sports have been highlighted! In this article, discover the trendy sports in 2021!

Connected and/or social home sport

In a period where staying at home is advised and teleworking is emphasised, it is no surprise that home-based sport is catching on. In addition to this, new technology is helping to enhance this trend, particularly through social networking and video conferencing software. All over the web, it was easy to observe the creation of different live sessions given by experienced people to their communities.

In addition, various sports challenges were able to emerge on social networks. Quickly, some of them became viral like the Handstand challenge (October 2020) launched by various big stars and influencers which consisted in removing one's shirt while adopting the headstand/ATR position. In parallel, the market for sports equipment and accessories has exploded! The purchase of weight benches, wall-mounted pull-up bars, yoga mats and exercise bikes were quickly sold out: a whole new mode of consumption was born!

Some practitioners have preferred to practice their sport in a solitary way while remaining connected to certain communities. This has been possible thanks to connected watches and hundreds of applications that allow the measurement of different parameters (kilometres covered, personal records etc.) while giving the ability to compare one's data with those of other practitioners and this, across the world. This is hardly surprising when you consider that periods of confinement have had a huge impact on our social issues. It is a great way to fight against loneliness and depression.

Outdoor sport

In parks or simply in the street, outdoor sports are out! These sports practices have increased by more than 30% according to Strava (2020). Here are two among many others:

a) Running

Often confused with jogging, running is a way of running that follows a very organised training. Practitioners have specific objectives and follow a sports plan with different techniques. It has more of an aerobic side to it, as the one kilometre run is done faster than a jogger. In short, running has a more professional side. Runners, for example, use specific equipment and calculate the number of calories and the food they will eat before and after their exercise. It is good to know that running strengthens muscles and muscle tone, reduces stress, helps manage your weight and contributes to the health of your bones, joints and heart.

b) The bicycle

Bicycling is about exercising while covering long distances. This sport is unsurprisingly a "star" sport during this epidemic episode given that it is aimed at men and women, children and adults alike. It is also a way to get some fresh air while seeking a "coronavirus-free" effect. It can be practised in a more professional way, particularly thanks to the establishment of sporting objectives based on the ratio between the distance covered and the time taken to complete it. The purchase of equipment is then inevitable, starting simply with the purchase of a more sophisticated bicycle.

The purchase of a bicycle is not an option.

And as a result?

No sport is better than others except for the fact that non-team sports are favoured to reduce the impact of the epidemic. Each sport has its own style, history and technique but one thing is certain, some sports have been seen to be more practiced than others. In any case, playing sports is very important for your physical and mental health and to improve your immunity!

Posted in: Lifestyle

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